Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 35th Reunion web site

Events Tickets

The Class of 1966 reunion committee has selected the dates of October 21-22, 2011 for our 45th Reunion event to be held at two DFW airport area locations. Friday night kicks off at the Cross Timbers Winery at 805 N. Main Street in Grapevine, and then on Saturday night we will have our main event at the Hilton DFW Lakes Hotel at 1800 SH 26 East (near Bass Pro Shops) in Grapevine. Friday noght kicks off at 6:00 PM, and on Saturday the festivities begin at 5:00 PM, when registration opens. Leading up to the reunion will be a series of fundraiser events that serve the dual purposes of bringing classmates together for social events that rev up interest in the reunion while simultaneously raising money to help defray some of the expenses necessary to producing the reunion at a slightly lower per person cost.

For the convenience of those planning on attending the 45th Reunion in October, 2011, and the special events leading up to it, there are several programs available for purchase of tickets and contributions to help defray expenses. The programs are (1) event ticket purchases, (2) Knights of the Roundtable packages, (3) Benevolent Fund donations to help our less fortunate classmates attend the reunion and (4) special event (golf tournament, sock hop, stc.) participation.

Special Events Tickets are available now for the sock hop to be held at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano on Saturday, November 13, 2010. There will be a MAXIMUM of 100 tickets available for this event. Tickets are $55 per person, or $100 per couple (spouse, friend, or other) from now through the end of October, or until these sell out if before November 1, when tickets will increase to $65 per person, either single or double occupancy.

Your KHS ’66 ticket includes light hors d’oeuvres, cocktail coupon (cash bar as well), Oreos and milk dessert (if you make it that long), Sock Hop, Rock ‘n Roll Dance, and Afterglow/Slow Dance Party on the veranda overlooking the golf course.

You may arrange for your tickets through PayPal or a variety of credit cards listed on the sign up form. And believe it or not, we will take cash or checks, unless out of state, or you went to Adamson and somehow found our website.

Reunion Event Tickets will be available for the Friday night casual party, the Saturday night banquet, or a combination ticket for both nights at prices yet to be determined.

Knights of the Roundtable packages offer special recognition and memorabilia in return for contributions above and beyond the basic ticket prices. Contributions above the cost of tickets and merchandise will be used to help defray reunion production expenses. Click HERE to make a Roundtable contribution.

Benevolent Fund Contributions to help our less fortunate classmates attend this reunion can be made in any amount you want to send. Please designate such contributions as being for the "Benevolent Fund" so that we will know the purpose of your contribution. Click HERE to make a Benevolent Fund contribution.

Reunion Golf Tournament packages include the Players' Package and the Hole Sponsorship Package. The Players' Package includes green fee, cart rental, a burger lunch and other considerations. The Hole Sponsorship Package includes green fee, cart rental, burger lunch, your name on a sign on a hole indicating your sponsorship and recognition at the Saturday evening banquet. Click HERE to make payments for golf tournament participation. The golf tournament will be at an as-yet-to-be-determined area golf course. For information regarding the golf tournament please contact RobertNelson via e-mail.

Payments for event tickets, Knights of the Roundtable programs, Benevolent Fund contributions, golf tournament participation and merchandise purchases can be made by credit card, check, money order or cash. A PayPal account has been established to allow for payments via creit card. Make checks and money orders payable to "Kimball Reunion Fund" and send to:

Kimball Reunion Fund
c/o Steve Hughes
808 Ashford Drive
Coppell, TX 75019

If you already have your own PayPal account, then you can make a contribution or purchase tickets through it. Be sure to indicate the nature of your payment so that Steve will know how to apply the funds.

Kimball High School Class of 1966 Menu Bar
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Last updated April 4, 2011