Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 35th Reunion web site

Reunion Planning Volunteers

Thank You, Volunteers!

The planning and coordination of our 35th Reunion has been a monumental effort which required the hard work and dedication of many people. This is to say "Thank You" to everybody who played a part in the planning, coordination and execution of our reunion.

As we have the time to tabulate all those who helped your names will be listed here as a special acknowledgement of the roles you played, whether you made a financial contribution, worked the telephones, helped by chairing a committee, worked on a committee or played any other role in our reunion. Without your help none of this would have happened.


The following people made significant contributions of time and effort to planning and coordinating the reunion (this list is incomplete - additional names will be added as they are brought to our attention):

Marc W. McCord
Mark Stevens
Tony Whiddon
Michael D. Gaddy
Carlton Stovall
Peggy Finney Kowalski
Bill Simpson
Glenda Glass Guest
Charles Goff
Gary Tatom
Steve Hughes
Jim Holman
Susan Grisham Young
Cindy Morgan Vincent
Chuck Arnold
Danny Hammontree
Randy Bates
Mark Housewright
Jerry Dominy
Donna Bronstad
Paul Worth
Arline Pitt
Jerry Babb
Jackie Hosea Salomon
Sharon Reed Hoerter
Anita Slocum Smith
Sherry Willis
Deborah Costin
Sarah Biggerstaff Gillespie
Elizabeth Forbes
Linda Kay Jackson

These classmates made financial contributions of cash or services to the reunion project, and we want to acknowledge their generous donations:

Tony Whiddon
Marc W. McCord
Web Design and Hosting
Charles Goff
Michael D. Gaddy
Meeting Host/Food/Financial Contribution
Susan Grisham Young
Meeting Host/Food/Financial Contribution
Mike Dumas
Financial Contribution
Carlton Stovall
Financial Contribution
Fred Rieser
Financial Contribution
Bobby Roper
Financial Contribution
Winn Becton, Jr.
Financial Contribution
Peggy Finney Kowalski
Financial Contribution
Chuck Arnold
Financial Contribution
Donna Bronstad
Financial Contribution
George Ellerbee
Financial Contribution
Elizabeth Forbes
Financial Contribution
Danny Hammontree
Financial Contribution
Jim Holman
Financial Contribution
Steve Hughes
Financial Contribution
Hershel Lowery
Financial Contribution
Randy Bates
Financial Contribution
Jackie Hosea Salomon
Financial Contribution
Gary Tatom
Financial Contribution
Gwen Thompson Taylor
Financial Contribution
Paul Worth
Financial Contribution

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Last updated April 4, 2011