Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 35th Reunion web site

Sharon Reed Hoerter
Sharon Reed, 1966
Sharon Reed, 1966

Donna Bronstad and Sharon Reed at the 35th Reunion, 2001
Donna Bronstad and Sharon Reed
at the 35th Reunion, 2001
Sharon Reed graduated at mid-term and married on January 28th, 1966, to Larry Kelly (not a classmate.) She then went to work at Laurel Land Funeral Home as receptionist/PBX operator. "It was far too quiet and dead (if you'll pardon the pun) and in June, 1967, I went to work for the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). I retired from my position of Contracting Specialist with them in October of 1995 after a most fullfilling career." She remained semi-retired the first 3 years and totally retired since and is loving it.

Larry and Sharon lived in the Duncanville area and were blessed with two great kiddos. Brian is now 32 years old,single and lives in Nurnberg, Germany. Amy is now 27 years old and is employed with American Arbitration Association while going to school and continuing her persual of a doctrate degree in the field of Child and Family Counseling. She has recently become engaged to a young man whom Sharon will be most proud to have as a son in law, Miles Wortham. The wedding is planned for March 23, 2002.

Sharon's marriage to Larry ended after almost ll years and she was married in 1977, to John Hoerter, Jr. Sharon and John have lived in Midlothian for the past 21 years where she has helped to raise his son, John III, and has come to think of and love him as her own. John III is married and has blessed John and Sharon with a grandson of the same name who is now four. Sharon is hoping to have more grandchildren to spoil and enjoy in the near future.

"Sadly to say, we did have another grandson, Josh, who at the age of five was taken from us in a car accident three years ago. There is a void left in our hearts that can never be filled from his loss. He was so dear to us and our angel here on earth for such a short time but, is now truly one of Gods' angels."

Sharon loves to travel and with Brian living in Germany it makes a perfect place for her to visit. "It's a beautiful place and one that should be seen if you have the opportunity." Through the years she has enjoyed many crafts such as crocheting and she loves to read. Sharon also dabbles in poetry from time to time and she loves being with friends and family.

John will be retiring from his job at Ellis County Road Department in October, 2001, but has plans to continue with a parttime position for at least the next four years elsewhere till he will retire entirely at that time. "We plan to do a lot of travel both then and in the interium."

"I've truly enjoyed being re-connected with fellow classmates and look forward to all the future activities that will bring us all or in part together. One classmate, Lana (Worley) Lawrence, has been my constant friend through these years and for that longterm friendship I am truly thankful."

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Last updated September 8, 2004