Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 35th Reunion web site

Robert Lee Nelson
Robert Lee Nelson, 1966
Robert Lee Nelson, 1966

Judy and Robert Nelson, 2007
Judy and Robert Nelson, 2007
"After graduation I could have avoided Viet Nam by passing only 12 hours at college. Very easy, right? So, after the first semester at ETSU, I served 4 years in the Air Force where I was stationed for 1 year in Turkey (nothing but desert) and 2-1/2 in Germany (nothing but great food and beer.) I gained 40 lbs! Fate kept me out of Nam.

"I married an army brat in Germany and had a daughter. We divorced in 1972 and then I remarried in 1973 to Linda McDaniel (KHS Class of 1967) and had a son. What was I thinking? I got divorced again 27 years later and remarried in 2001, to Judy. The old "3rd time" thing. Judy is an office manager for a dentist and is real creative at our house decor."

"I became a man of faith when I realized my faults in life could only be forgiven, not excused. I began my work career in property management from 1971 to 1974, when I moved on to electronic distribution for the next 25 years. I Actually retired for a whole 6 months in 2000. However, after the CEO was jailed and my retirement fund embezzled, it was time to go back to work. YUK!!!!

"I'm back in distribution again, where I work and live in Irving. My spare time is spent remolding the house (a never ending process), having a few beers, playing golf EVERY chance I can sneak out, and catching up with old class mates. WHERE DID 40 YEARS GO?"

Kimball High School Class of 1966 Menu Bar
KHS '66 masthead
Kimball High School Class of 1966 Menu Bar
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January 12, 2001

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Last updated May 23, 2007