Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 45th Reunion web site

Reunion Committee
45th Reunion Planning Team

The 45th Reunion Planning Team of the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 has been assembled and is hard at work to make the next reunion of our class the biggest and best yet. Working from the committee structure and agendas of the 35th and 40th Reunions, this committee has a firm grasp of what needs to be done and is actively working to see that all details are managed in a professional and timely manner. Taking even more advantage of the Internet than the previous committee, the information available to our classmates is greater than ever before because of the dedicated efforts of our classmates who cheerfully give their time and energy to serve. They are to be commended for a job well done!

45th Reunion Committee Members

Bob McComas
Bob McComas
Michael D. Gaddy
Michael D. Gaddy
Steven M. Hughes
Steven M. Hughes
Finance Director

Many classmates have made significant contributions to planning the 45th Reunion, which is set for the weekend of October 21-22, 2011, at an as-yet undetermined venue. It is impossible to list everybody who has made a contribution, but we want to recognize those who efforts have been above and beyond the ordinary in making sure that we all have the best reunion ever, and show, once again, why the Class of 1966 was so special (at least in our eyes). A special "Thank you" goes out to Danny Hammontree and Gary Spurlock for their enormously successful efforts in locating lost classmates and obtaining current contact information for all our classmates. Their efforts have been more successful than we ever could have imagined.

The Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 45th Reunion Planning Team includes the following classmates:

Gary Joe Spurlock
Gary Spurlock
Lost Classmates Research
Danny Hammontree
Danny Hammontree
Lost Classmates Research
Pamela Hare Bazet
Pamela Hare Bazet
Entertainment Coordinator
Brenda (Mrs. Jerry) Babb
Brenda (Mrs. Jerry) Babb
Logistics Coordinator
(in alphabetical order) Steve Adams, Chuck Arnold, Brenda Babb, Gerald Babb, Jerry Dominy, Peggy Finney Kowalski, Michael Gaddy, Betty Garvin Garton, Susan Grisham Young, Danny Hammontree, Jim Holman, Jackie Hosea Salomon, Steve Hughes, Bob Livingston, Robert McComas, Marc McCord, Robert Nelson, Arline Pitt, Steve Monty Roberts, Gary Spurlock, Glenn Tucker, Mike Turner, Linda White Erdman and Marion White. Apologies are extended to anybody else who was a part of this effort, but whose name was unintentionally omitted.

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Last updated April 4, 2011