Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 35th Reunion web site

Class of 1966 Personal Biographies

Classmates of Justin F. Kimball High School (Dallas, Texas) Class of 1966 are featured in this section of our web site. Listings are by last names and married women are listed by their maiden names. Blue diamond indicates web pages having classmates profiles on-line. All profiles have a photo from the senior yearbook attached (where available.) Recent photos are attached whenever provided by a classmate for inclusion. Pages will open in a new browser window. To return to this Classmates Biographies Page either close the new window, or select this page from your desktop task bar.
Use the navigation links below to jump to alphabetical last name listings.
[ A - B ] [ C - E ] [ F - G ] [ H ] [ I - K ] [ L - M ] [ N - R ] [ S - T ] [ U - Z ]
[ Missing Classmates A - L ] [ Missing Classmates M - Z ]

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Last updated April 4, 2011