Welcome to the Justin F. Kimball High School Class of 1966 35th Reunion web site
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All listings on this page are with the permission of those whose information appears here. If you are a classmate from the Kimball Class of 1966, and want your contact information included on this page, then please forward it to Marc W. McCord at marc@canoeman.com and it will be added promptly. These listings are for the purpose of providing contact between classmates and to assist in locating and contacting each other regarding future reunions, fundraisers to support those projects and other activities on behalf of our class and classmates.
Atherton, Dorothy (McKinney) 409-755-7473 DotDan48@Yahoo.com
Babb, Gerald Wayne 972-238-9298 geraldwbabb@gmail.com
Barnett, Richard (Rick) Lee 214-918-3075 rick.barnett@verizon.net
Bates, Randolph Alan 817-866-3558 randy_donnabates@yahoo.com
Bean, James Joseph jamesb@hacanet.org
Bracy, James Preston jimbracy@prodigy.net
Bray, Sharon (Gazaway) 210-621-5053 sharongazaway@gmail.com
Butler, Charles Vaughn 972-775-2145 No e-mail address
Cecil, Carol Ann (Wilder) 903-488-3292 wilderc@bluebonnet.net
Costin, Deborah (Clark) 214-348-9188 mdm2620@aol.com
Dean, Richard Wayne chezdean@msn.com
Doty, Rexene rexie808@hawaii.rr.com
Finney, Peggy (Kowalski) 817-491-1314 peggles_8852@yahoo.com
Fordyce, Victor 845-294-6514 vfordyce@hvc.rr.com
Fox, Kathy (Hardin) 972-279-0690 katmis@yahoo.com
Fryar, Wilson B. 903-568-4047 wilson_fryar@earthlink.net
Gaddy, Michael 704-975-4651 Michael@MGaddy.com
Gibson, Cheryl (Blomdahl) 817-488-0408 cheryl.blomdahl@sabre-holdings.com
Glass, Glenda (Guest) 214-697-2022 glendakguest@hotmail.com
Goff, Charlie 214-328-1973 cgoff@peoplescom.net
Greenspan, Florence (Marsh) 972-495-4066 florence7@comcast.net
Grisham, Susan (Young) 214-387-9345 Sustephsan@aol.com
Haggard, Phil 972-636-2033 (H) / 214-202-8080 (C) phaggard_rc@yahoo.com
Hare, Pamela (Bazet) 817-329-8280 pam.bazet@verizon.net
Hawkins, Ronald Allen 806-794-5454 ronahawk@aol.com
Hawthorne, Judy Kay (Bryant) 214-349-4295 Judy4UT@aol.com
Hooks, Michael 479-855-0110 hooksmike@aol.com
Hosea, Jackie (Salomon) 972-242-0738 jsalomon2001@yahoo.com
Hughes, Steve 972-304-4350 VMax@aol.com
Jackson, Linda Kay 214-339-1622 lindakay1966@aol.com
Jones, Sharon (McDonald) sharon-brent@juno.com
Kemmerle, Linda Ralene (Fleming) 254-775-4490 linjim16@windstream.net
Kenny, Otis 208-426-3348 okenny@velocitus.net
Lee, Frank A. fal7@ix.netcom.com
Lee, William Robert (Bob) 214-942-8496 bob@shieldsandlee.com
Lloyd, Jerry 661-254-2466 jerry826@yahoo.com
Lowry, Diane (Jones) 817-453-5285 mdianejjns@aol.com
Lyons, Helen Marie (Al-haddad) hml8852@dcccd.edu
Martin, Ken 469-765-5501 ken@mnmair.com
McAlpine, Linda 817-797-9578 lmcalpine@sbcglobal.net
McComas, Robert (Bob) 469-387-0877 kimballreunion06@msn.com
McCombs, Sue Ann (Westerheim) 972-896-3815 suewesterheim@yahoo.com
McCord, Marc Wesley 214-998-4922 marc@canoeman.com
Miller, Cecilia (Breithaupt) 830-459-9475 taxib@earthlink.net
Morgan, Cindy (Vincent) 972-327-7562 cvincent@lockeliddell.com
Neal, Linda (Stephens) Wendylinda@aol.com
Nelson, Robert Lee 214-679-6207 rlnelson19@aol.com
Peebles, Betty (Paul) 615-650-1449 paul_e@bellsouth.net
Prather, Penelope (Tinsley) 281-847-1821 Tinsleytown@AOL.com
Ramsey, Patricia (Trisha) 972-716-0049 trishthedish777@sbcglobal.net
Redding, Charlie (Frank) ckf1410@yahoo.com
Reed, Sharon (Hoerter) jonshar@juno.com
Reed, Steven Royce 920-684-0772 streed1948@sbcglobal.net
Shaddox, Cynthia (West) 903-447-2939 cynthia.shaddox@sbcglobal.net
Simpson, Bill 972-690-4008 bsimpson@wt.net
Simons, Roger Neal 405-551-2110 rsimons@simonsinvestco.com
Smith, Linda (Gardner) 870-356-3814 lindadgardner@alltel.net
Stierhoff, Walter George 714-329-4094 wgstierhoff@adelphia.net
Stovall, Carlton 972-296-2654 carlton_stovall@yahoo.com
Stricker, Anita (Anderson) anitaa@airmail.net
Surber, Ron 210-923-9237 ron@ronsurber.com
Tucker, Alan (Butch) 254-580-5391 airboatbutch@yahoo.com
Turner, David H. 203-431-8338 dturner@goodwillwct.com
Vik, Susan Frances sfvik@yahoo.com
Wallace, Ronnie C. 254-495-1875 rcwallace1221@gmail.com
Waters, Cynthia (Dial) 858-350-8658 cynthiadial1@aol.com
Willingham, Elaine (Schoyen) 406-761-5695 eschoyen@croskrey.org
Wright, Shirley (Lewallyn) 469-571-3661 hrlsal@cs.net

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Last updated December 23, 2024